Friday, August 3, 2007

Sixtyeith Year Of Freedom...

This year we will be celeberating 60th year of Independence...

Well, in 60 years apart from a basic development, everyday while going to school or whenever am out of my residential area, all I can see is that yuckieyy and shitty Naala, where there is a Garbage house, and next to it people have settled homes, I just hate it.
Freedom is for all of us... Not only you or me, or my friends or my family, etc etc. Wishing and hoping that it does come to an end... It should rather asap cause Common Weath Games, Next World CUp and many of the world championship are to be held here, in the Capital... *sigh*

Well and if you wanna look to the best of Indian Culture then it completely rocks... Metro in Delhi, 60 yrs of Indpendence *hehe*, rising Bangalore, developing *yet not in a balanced manner* , depleting bacwardness, Delhi has become far more safe, etc etc!!!

*Just yearing that one day the world will turn to East!*

Rising and falling is a part of Game
But Falling and then Rising is Fate.

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